The original code is from Oz Nahum Tiram. URL
Modified by Bhaskar Tallamraju
### Changes 06/20
- modified the code to make it work with Python 3. Tested it with python 3.8 on Ubuntu 20.04
- added morse test code
- random alpha numeric morse code generation
- random morse code for most common 500 english words
## REQUIREMENTS: 1. pyalsaaudio 2. wave
## Most common usage: 1. ./ -o sound “Hello World” # play the morse code for Hello World 2. ./ -o sound -r alphanum -c 20 # this is to test your translation skill 3. ./ -o sound -r word -c 52 # this is to test your translation skill 4. ./ -o text “Hello” # Outputs morse code to stdout 5. ./ -o text “.- / -. . .– / -.-. — -.. .” # Outputs the translated text